Baby is hungry or sleepy? 6 child body signs give the answer

When hungry or sleepy, the baby normally behaves in a very similar way: he cries and becomes agitated. How do you know, then, if the child needs to eat or rest?

According to pediatrician and infant sleep specialist Aubrie DeBear , paying attention to your little one's different body signals helps you respond.

Signs that your baby is hungry

  • 1. He moves his lips and sticks out his tongue
  • 2. He brings his little hands to his mouth
  • 3. On your lap, he searches for your chest
  • 4. He pouts his lips and moves his head
  • 5. He keeps his fists closed
  • 6. He cries

Signs that your baby is sleepy

  • 1. He stays quiet and looks dispersed
  • 2. He gets the red eyebrow region
  • 3. He pulls away from your chest
  • 4. He rubs his eyes and nose
  • 5. He yawns
  • 6. He cries

In addition to recognizing body signals, the specialist says that the baby's routine also helps to discover the child's needs.

For example, if it's been 2 hours since the baby ate and he just woke up from a nap, then he's crying from hunger. If the crying child has just eaten and has been awake for about 50 minutes, it means he is sleepy and needs a nap.

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