Baby skin care according to the Pediatric Society: 1st bath, nails and more

Sensitive and delicate, the skin of the newborn, according to the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (SBP), plays an important role in the transition from the liquid environment in which it was to conditions outside the uterus. No wonder, special care for the little one at this stage is essential.

In May 2021, SBP updated newborn skincare in a scientific document that addresses topics such as first bath, use of oils, among others. Discover the recommendations:

Newborn skincare

According to the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics, the first bath of the baby must be performed after 24 hours of birth or be postponed for a minimum time of 6 hours.

Soaps for newborns

The types of soap recommended for newborns and infants are the syndets type, that is, synthetic detergent that contains less than 10% soap and has a pH adjusted between 5.5 and 7.

shampoo for newborn

The use of shampoo is not essential for the baby's scalp. Usage, therefore, is a matter of personal or cultural preference.

Use of moisturizers in babies

The SBP points out that, when necessary, moisturizers can be used in the neonatal period, preferably after bathing, daily or at least three times a week.

Natural oils can also be used, provided they are chosen with caution and medical advice. The products have soothing potential, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity, and moisturize, soften and reduce skin irritations.

Dermatitis control

The key to controlling diaper area dermatitis, according to the SBP, is prevention: frequent diaper changes, gentle cleaning, exposing the skin to air, and applying barrier creams are measures that should be taken. adopted.

Newborn exposure to the sun

The updated document points out that it is recommended to avoid direct exposure to the sun in children under 6 months. After this period, the use of mineral sunscreens should be applied to the baby.

Nail care

A newborn's nails should be kept clean and short. The nail cut should be done in a straight line, with little depth.

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