Having a child is not an easy task, especially for first-time moms, but it's also a transformative challenge and can be even more beautiful with a few tips. It is common to feel fear when facing new experiences with your baby in your arms.
But do not worry. Fortunately, we live in an age where information is within reach and technology is also on our side. With these tips, everything will be easier. Courage, you are not alone!
10 important baby tips
1. Clean hands
This is one of the fundamental tips that you should follow. Always wash your hands well and don't forget to clean between your fingers and reach your wrist.It may seem like an exaggeration, but newborn babies have not yet fully developed their immune systems, which makes them more likely to catch a disease.
This applies not only to mothers but to anyone who has contact with their baby. To make it even safer, you can leave a bottle of antibacterial gel in the little one's room, so no one forgets to disinfect themselves.
2. clothes
For starters, keep the baby warm for the first few days, because the mother's uterus has a higher temperature compared to the outside.
It's normal for a newborn to take some time to get used to the ambient temperature, so helping him out with sweaters or blankets is a great option. However, be careful not to over-cover it. Just put a thin blanket in the hot seasons and a thicker one in autumn and winter.
Also, identify the warmest room in your house to set up your baby's room there.
Also, identify the warmest room in your house to set up your baby's room there.
3. Bath time

Although it sounds strange, babies also sweat, so it's important to constantly sanitize them. The first bath should be when the pediatrician recommends it.
The ideal is to do it in a cozy place and always in a special bathtub for the little ones. The most suitable models are those with their own backrest or seat so that your hands are free.
It is recommended to bathe the newborn every two to three days. As it grows, this moment should become more constant, until it happens daily.

Bathing is often a very pleasant time for your child, as it relaxes and soothes them, so they are likely to take a nap afterward or even while you dry and dress them.
It is very important to use special products for babies. The fewer chemical ingredients they have, the better. Remember that newborn skin is much more sensitive than ours.

The baby's umbilical cord, which will fall out a few days after birth, must also be protected. It's important to clean it with a sterile solution and keep the area dry. Some people prefer to keep it bandaged or tied with special tape. This step must be followed as directed by the doctor.
4. Bedtime
Newborn babies sleep for around 16 hours and this is totally normal. They usually do this for periods of 2 to 4 consecutive hours.To help your little one fall asleep, you can gently rock him. Some people recommend wrapping him with a blanket, so he won't be startled by his own movements and won't wake up.

It is absolutely normal for babies to wake up during the night, especially to feed or when they feel some discomfort, such as a dirty diaper. So, if you've decided to sleep in a separate room, it's a good idea to use a monitor to hear when he needs something and keep track of his sleep without having to get up every minute.
It is also essential that the child sleeps on his back, thus avoiding the so-called sudden infant death syndrome. Not an overly large pillow, stuffed animal, or blanket should be placed in your crib.

To help the baby fall asleep at night, the environment must be prepared. It is best to place it in a location with little or no noise and leave it in very dim light.
5. The nails
This can be one of the scariest times for new moms, but there's no need to be alarmed. There is no right time to cut a baby's nails, you just need to identify when they are too long.This should be done when the child is calm or asleep, to avoid a cut due to some unexpected movement. In addition, you need to use small, round-tipped scissors. There are nail clippers designed for babies, so it's best to avoid those that are for larger hands.
It is worth remembering that it is necessary to cut the nails of both hands and feet. This will prevent the baby from having damaged skin and at the same time prevent accidental scratching.
6. Diaper change

Newborns generally need more diaper changes than older babies. That's because your digestive system is still small.
It is important to clean the dirt from top to bottom. That is, from the Organs genitals to the anus. This will prevent any debris from remaining in the genital area and causing an infection.
To help your pocket and the environment, you can opt for cloth diapers, which must be washed after each use. This will also help reduce friction in the child's body.
To avoid irritation from the wipes, you can wash the area once a day with soap and water. Just be sure to dry the area well. This will keep the baby cleaner.
7. Skincare

As we have already mentioned, a baby's skin is much more sensitive than that of an older child or an adult, and therefore requires special products.
Only those indicated for newborns should be used on them. And don't be alarmed if the skin looks flaky or red: this is normal in the first few days after giving birth.

Don't forget to moisturize your baby well, preferably once or twice a day and after bathing.
If you and your child are planning to go outside, be sure to wear sunscreen. Believe me: babies can get burned in just 10 minutes of sun exposure, even if it's cloudy. If possible, also put a wide-brimmed hat on it, to keep the sun from hitting your face.

If you had a boy and he was circumcised, you should also protect his genitals. Wash the area with mild soap and water and place a gauze pad or any other healing material recommended by the pediatrician. If your child has not had this procedure, you should also wash the penis with mild soap and water. Do not try to move the foreskin backwards.
8. Food

Breast milk is the best food for the baby as it contains many nutrients and vitamins that will help in its development, in addition to strengthening its immune system. However, not all mothers are able to breastfeed their little ones.
If you are part of this group, don't worry! Fortunately, there is formula milk that provides all the nutrients you need for your baby.

Newborn babies do not need water, juices, or other liquids. They also cannot eat other foods. The diet will start to change after six months, but always under the guidance of a pediatrician.
Most newborns need to feed 8 to 12 times a day. As we have already said, your digestive system is still small and cannot store as much as an older baby. Therefore, you will need to feed him constantly.

He will also "say" when he is hungry. Before crying, you may notice other signs, such as putting your hands over your mouth, sucking your fingers, or grabbing your lips.
Don't forget to burp him after he drinks his milk. Thus, you will help him to get the air he may have ingested and to avoid the dreaded cramps.

During breastfeeding, it is very common to stain clothes. To avoid this and chest pain, you can express your milk in a bottle and feed the baby later with this instrument.
9. The hair
Newborns tend to have very little hair when they first come into the world. It is also common for the wires to fall out during the first few months, leaving the little ones almost bald after a few months of their birth. But again, stay calm: little by little more hair will grow.A Baby's first haircut is just a matter of aesthetics. This care is only necessary if the wires reach the eyes and get in the way, but this is very rare.

As for how this will be done, it all depends on the parents' decision. But it is worth mentioning that it is not advisable to use razors with newborns or small children, but rather to bet on round-tipped scissors.
10. Visits to the doctor
The pediatrician is the best person who knows your baby's body and what works best for him. During the first year of life, you should take him to the doctor at least once a month.In this way, the professional will be able to assess the child's development and provide feedback on the care of your child. No matter how well your baby looks, checkups are essential to keep him healthy.

If you notice he has any strange symptoms, don't seek natural remedies or advice from others. It is best to call the pediatrician and make an appointment to follow their recommendations.
It is also advisable to choose a doctor who inspires confidence in you, as he will be in charge of monitoring the health of your baby. Therefore, avoid taking him to different pediatricians, as they will not have a clear idea of ​​the child's growth.